Monday, July 23, 2012

Today we were trucking and traveling across the great state of Washington...leaving the Tacoma/Seattle area and driving to Spokane, WA on I-90. We once again had overcast, cloudy weather, but it was great to see the beautiful mountains and tall trees. But then as we came to the Columbia River, the scenery dramatically changed. The east side of Washington began to look a lot like high desert. There were lots of brown mountains, and sage brush all around...except where the farmers irrigation kicked in to massive fields of sweet corn, potatoes, wheat, straw and hay. It was especially great to see the powerful Columbia River again. It makes the Ohio River look like a muddy creek. It was hard to take pictures in a moving RV...but here are a few.

Overcast morning leaving Tacoma

Keechelus Lake (leaving Tacoma area)

The mighty Columbia River

Columbia River Gorge as we were crossing the bridge near Vantage, WA

Looking back at the Columbia River Gorge, as we're headed up I-90

Our last glimpse of the Columbia River Gorge, as we head up the road into eastern Washington


  1. I have really enjoyed all these beautiful photos. I'm trying to pick out some I can beg to paint! Love the waterfall pictures and Diablo Lake. I've never been that far northwest.

  2. Thanks Chris...The photos don't do the National Park vistas justice.
    They are amazing! You may use any pictures that you want to paint. I know I'd love to see them after you've finished them. We're headed to Glacier Lake tomorrow...then Yellowstone for a I'm sure we'll be taking lots more pictures. Enjoy!
