Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Our trucking and traveling day (Groveland, CA to Redding, CA) nearly ended before it started.  Jim had just deftly manuevered Magellan I, with Magellan II in tow, down 8 miles of steep switchbacks at 20 mph max...and then as we crossed the bridge at Mocassin, CA, starting to pick up speed,  an IDIOT in a rental RV decided to pull out RIGHT in front of us!  Jim stood on the brakes, slid all the tires, and stopped our vehicles within inches of the IDIOT!  Needless to say, Jim was as shook up as Magellan's entire contents!  Have you ever seen a dish drying rack fly through the air at 35 miles per hour toward your head?  We have.  John was saved by the backrest of his chair, thankfully. Luckily our dish drying rack only had CLEAN silverware, tupperware, and ONE SHARP KNIFE!  Magellan AIR HORNS hopefully scared the **** out of the IDIOT!  After regaining composure, we headed on our merry way to Redding.  The drive through the Great Central Valley of California with all of the crops growing, dairy cows mooing, and orchards bearing fruits and nuts that we can all enjoy was going well....UNTIL.  Another IDIOT came down an on ramp, pulling directly in front of us, and Jim had to slam on the brakes and lay on the air horns once again.  As soon as the air horns sounded...the IDIOT sped up to get away from us, and Jim hopes that "he OR she" messed in their pants!  By 3:30 PM we pulled into our basecamp, Redding RV Park, and gathered ALL SOILDED laundry then headed to the swimming pool. (The laundry is conviently next to the nice cool swimming pool, since it was 109 degrees F at the time.) The pool was a wonderful way to end our stressful day of trucking and traveling.
Magellan I and II safe after a "stressful" trucking & traveling day!

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