Saturday, July 7, 2012

This morning we began a drive up another winding road to take us to Kings Canyon National Park, CA and Sequoia National Park.  In Kings Canyon we were able to see the deepest, river-cut canyon in the US (1 & 1/4 miles deep, from the top of  the mountain to the stream bed.  The top of the mountain was over 10,000 feet above sea level, while the Kings River ran through the bottom at about 3,000 feet. In Kings Canyon we also saw the magnificent Sequoia Trees in General Grant's Grove.   Then we went on to Sequoia National Park to view even more of the amazing Giant Sequoia Trees, including General Sherman, the world's largest Sequoia (110 feet in circumferance at the base).  Some of its branches were bigger than most tree trunks!

View from our drive on curvy, winding, steep California HWY 245 to Kings Canyon

Kings Canyon

Middle Fork of King River

Middle Fork of King River

Junction of Middle Fork & South Fork of King River

Oldest working gravity gasoline pumps in the US...minimum 5 gallons for $27.86

South Branch King River

Deepest river-made canyon in the US...1 & 1/4 mile deep, Kings Canyon

Canyon Walls

Kings Canyon at Boyden Cave

South branch of Kings River

South Branch of Kings River

Giant Sequoias in Kings Canyon at the General Grant Grove

General Grant Tree base

More Giant Sequoias in Kings Canyon NP

One of the visitor centers in Sequoia National Park, CA

Jim, before walking through a fallen Giant Sequoia Tree

John standing beside a Fallen Sequoia Tree after walking through it

Path between two Giant Sequoias

Looking up the trunk of a Giant Sequoia Tree...makes you feel very small

General Sherman Base of the Sequoia Tree

Top of General Sherman Sequoia Tree

1/3 of the roots from a blown down Giant Sequoia tree

High Sierra Mountain Top with white granite


1 comment:

  1. If a giant Sequoia Tree falls in the forest does it make a sound.....or just cause an earthquake????
