Thursday, July 19, 2012

Today we had the first major disappointment of our travels.  We left our basecamp in Tualatin, OR and headed to Ft. McChord Air Force Base Miltary Family Camp...however, there was NO room due to the USAF Thunderbird's performance this Saturday.  Luckily, as we were headed into the camp, a young man was coming OUT with his camper and let us know that the campground was closed.  So, plan B was to head to Ft. Lewis Army Base Camp...but IT was full.  So, plan C was to quickly find a civilian Good Sam RV park nearby.  SUCCESS AT LAST...we were able to squeeze into the Majestic RV Park north of Tacoma, Washington.  The other BAD part of our travels today was the horrible traffic that was encountered from Portland, OR...thru to Tacoma, WA.  We've decided that I-5 from Portland to Tacoma, WA (probably Seattle, too) is ONE BIG BUSTLING METROPOLIS.  As we were registering at the campground we asked the hostess why there was so much traffic in the middle of the afternoon on a Thursday.  Her response was, "LIFE!"

Since we didn't "sightsee" today...we had a rest and laundry no great photos today.  We did want to share some statistics about our trip, so far.  From Sunday, June 19th through Monday, July 16th Magellan I (RV) and Magellan II (Chevy Equinox) have taken us 5,721 miles!  WOW! Indiana, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, California, Oregon and NOW, Washington...12 states.  We have visited 13 National Parks...6 National Monuments... Presidential Libraries...5 National Forest Visitor Centers...1 National Preserve...2 National Scenic Byways...and 1 National Wildlife Refuge.  We're looking forward to our time in Washington, and then heading east to meet with Jim's sisters, for a reunion in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming.


  1. The photos are wonderful from this past week...the mountains look majestic. What kind of camera are you using?

  2. Thanks for your great feedback, Pat! I use Cannon PowerShot 130 IS and Jim uses an inexpensive FujiFilm "Finepix Z" We use the best pix from both sorry I can't tell you exactly which pix come from what camera. It really depends also on WHO got the shot (picture) that we needed to help tell about our experiences that day.
