Sunday, July 15, 2012

Thank goodness Jim's wrist was NOT throbbing and feeling much better, so after one month on the road, Magellan I and II got well-deserved baths! Jim checked and topped off all Magellan I's fluids, while I scheduled an oil change for Magellan II...then we were "On the Road Again!" When you're driving up I-5 in northern California there are two things that you can't miss...Mt. Shasta (14,000+ feet....and still snow topped) and beautiful blue Shasta Lake. Another special northern California rock formation tried to alude us...Crag View...but we finally got it to hold still a bit for a picture or two. As we neared our destination for today, Medford, Oregon, the beautiful Emigrant Lake appeared. 

A freshly cleaned and filled Magellan I!!

Shasta we zoom by!

Shasta Lake

Shasta Lake

Mt. Shasta peaking up in front of us.

Getting closer to Mt. Shasta.

Beside Mt. Shasta!

The elusive Crag's View peaking out before it hides in the forest again.

Emigrant Lake near Medford, Oregon

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