Saturday, July 14, 2012

Today was a day not filled with travel, or sightseeing, or trucking...Today turned out to be a day to visit the ER (emergency room) in Redding, California.  Jim awoke to throbbing pain in his left wrist.  John convinced him that he should go to the ER.  That's where we spent the next six hours of today.  The vampire drew blood.  Jim peed in a cup.  He had 3 x-rays done of his wrist.  And final had the joint injected with hydrocortizone to relieve the inflamation.  Needless to say, it didn't work right away...but after another 6 hours Jim's wrist feels much better.  Hopefully we'll be on the road north tomorrow.  Sorry, no pictures are available of the pretty ER nurses, or the crazies in the ER waiting room!  The rest of the day was spent lounging in bed or the pool....guess who was where?  Temperature here today reached a high of only 98 degrees,,,so we immediately donned sweatshirts and long pants.

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