Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Today was our truckin' and travelin' day...from Ely, Nevada to Joseph, Utah at the Flying U Country Store and Campgrounds.  So..we slept in...until Jim decided to sweep and clean the entire RV...but then came the excitement.  It was just like Christmas morning!  The Valley View Campground office called to say that there was a package for us from UPS.  Wow...We got NEW (wheel basket tie-down straps) for Magellan II (aka Chevy Equinox).  This was going to make our trip so much safer, now that we had the NEW, IMPROVED, CORRECT-SIZE Tie Down straps!  We excitedly ripped open the brown box and pulled out the bright YELLOW(YELLOW...for those of you who are color blind)straps. Making sure that the right strap went on the right side and left strap went on the left side....we tightened them down and were ready to roll.

 The above picture is the result of forest fires at Fish Lake National Forest, Utah last year.  It quickly reminds us of the devestation that so many are facing in the dry west.  They are in our prayers.
The other excitement for the day of travel was how well Magellan performed going up steep grades.  She made it up 7 steep, mountain passes, without overheating!  Thanks to Jim figuring out how to keep her happy...and then teaching these methods to John.  Now we feel almost like professional RV (aka BIG RIG DRIVERS)  after 9 days and over 2,000 miles of driving.  We're even getting good at handling two lane roads and strong winds!

Tomorrow is a sightseeing day as we travel to Capitol Reef National Park (a 100 mile long waterfold phenomonon.  Great pictures tomorrow.

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