Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Jim and Magellan I parked at our base camp in Ely, Nevada.
Another glorious day seeing the sights found in the Great Basin National Park, Nevada.   
                      On our way to the park we passed this incredibly horny gate to a ranch...so here it is!

Great Basin National Park encompasses more than just the rugged, craggy mountains that surround the great basin. It includes the northern 3/4 of Nevada, the western 1/3 of Utah, parts of  Southwest Idaho and Southeast Oregon....it is immense!  The Great Basin NP is located in the south Snake Mt. range.  13 peaks within the park rise above 11,000 feet.

 Our first great room in Lehman Caves.
 Helictites....they look like worms or spiderwebs on the wall.
 A column composed of stalactites, helictites, and stalagmites.
Ornate Wedding cake? Use your imagination.
 More formations for your edification.
 Parachute OR Elephants with gum stuck to his foot!
 Angel wing.
 John and the ornate columns at 193 feet below ground.
 Wheeler Peak (13,063 feet) with northside glacier.
 Southern most glacier in the United States.
 Wheeler Peak from Wheeler Peak Campground, elevation 9,886 feet (64 comfortable degrees F.) 
 Views of the Great Basin, from the mountain.
 Beautiful view of the northern forest habitat.  Just one of the 5 climates on the mountain. 
It was 90 degrees F (elevation 6,000+ feet here....but only 50 degrees in the cave!

One section of the park contains Lehman Caves...discovered by Absalom Lehman in 1885.  As a former 49er gold miner found no gold...but the cave made him wealthy.  Taking a 90 minute walking tour of the cave, Ranger Pete led us to the deepest section at 193 feet below ground level.  Everywhere you turned the stalactites and stalagmites were simply incredible.  So let your imagination run wild as you see these pictures.

1 comment:

  1. This must be phallic part of your trip between stalactites and stalagmites and horny gates???
