Monday, February 11, 2013

We packed up and headed for breakfast with Bob & Wilma Elmer at the Sun City Center Cafe. Breakfast was wonderful...eggs, ham, sausage, and French toast. Yum! After saying goodby to our wonderful hosts, we headed to Desota National Memorial where our pctures start to tell today's story.
DeSota Monument Entrance

Spanish Flags, surrounding the American Flag and the DeSota Stockade

Gumbo-Limbo Trees span the grounds

DeSota Trail stone marker under the Gumbo-Limbo Trees

Spanish Landing Boat

Native dugout canoe

Excellent demonstration and orientation film to expound
on the life and adventures of Spanish Explorer, Hernando DeSoto

Spanish weapons display
Matchlock rifle firing demonstration,
the Spanish 16th Century version of our modern
day "Shock and Awe"

Jim taking one for the team with our partial Spanish armer demonstration

La Florida Desota Trail Map

Native American Weaponry

View of the Gulf of Mexido shore, from where DeSoto landed
in 1539

The Spanish soldiers brought horses to America for the first time,
hoping establish colonies for the King, personal Glory, riches of gold,
and converts to Christianity for God

Kings Island Reunion Part II...with the Eatons
at North Fort Meyer Florida
Pictured are:  Darrell & Janet Eaton...seated,
John standng and McKenzie, being McKenzie!!

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