Sunday, February 10, 2013

Today was our Holy Day...starting with a fabulous breakfast of Eggs Benedict, Honey Bell Orange juice, fresh fruit...melon, strawberries, and pineapple.  We soon were on our way to the 9:30 AM services at the St. Andrew Presbyterian Church.  The music and sermon were spectacular.  We especially enjoyed a male quintet who performed Bill Gaither's, "Sinners Saved by Grace."  

Lunch was lovingly prepared by Aunt Wilma and Uncle Bob with Chicken Salad and Crab Salad as the main course.  Then it was time for sharing, reading, and talking.  First we went to Bob's Stockmarket Class, where we learned a few tips to improve our financial portfolios.  Thanks Bob!  Next, we found a great place to read, out under the coconut the lake....with the warm Sunshine State breeze.  Then, Aunt Wilma and John got caught up on the Blasdel & Jackson Family Trees, while Jim & Bob took well-deserved power naps.

It was soon time to get ready for our second trip to St. Andrew for a 3:00 PM Fine Arts Concert....featuring Kenneth Dake playing both piano and organ selections.  As a youth, Mr. Dake had been a piano student of one of the St. Andrew's church members, and now has quite a successful career as a conductor, composer, and keyboardist.  We enjoyed the performance for the most part, but found his selections a little more "high brow" than we were willing to sit through today....

SO we swiftly departed in time to make it to our third trip to church today, as we came in a little late to the "Dueling Piano" recital at Prince of Peace Catholic Church (The Elmer's attend this parish.)  The dueling pianists were Keith Rasmussen, music coordinator for Prince of Peace, and Gerald Keeffe, a retired church organist and pianist.  We really enjoyed their selections including "Claire de Lune," "Prelude No. II by Gershwin, and "Malaguena."

We next made a trip to Wilma & Bob's garden plot, at Sun City's "Tillers & Toilers" community garden.  We checked out their produce stand, where Aunt Wilma bought a perfect tomato, then we headed out to their garden to select some fresh brocolli and turnips.  We enjoyed all this fresh produce at our dinner!  Thanks Aunt Wilma and Uncle Bob for being such wonderful hosts!!

St. Andrew Presbyterian Church
Sun City Center, Florida

Reading & relaxing under the Florida's Magic Spell!

Bob & Wilma Elmer, at the concert
Ken Dake, pianist/organist

Dueling Piano Recital at Prince of Peace Catholic Church
Sun City Center, Florida

Bob & Wilma's garden plot

Uncle Bob, with fresh brocolli foor dinner
Sunset in Sun City Center, FL

Evening Glow!

1 comment:

  1. Loved Bob and Wilma's garden plot, looks much like ours. Your Holy day sounded wonderful and I know now where some good foods are, perhaps Bob and Wilma would like to adopt some more relatives, LOL
