Sunday, February 3, 2013

Jim pictured enjoying the Super Bowl with Super Hosts, Mary Jane & Guy Sorrell
Our first day of travel began with some slip slidding away....through Bright and Hidden Valley Lake and continued over the river (Ohio) and across the untreated Kentucky highways!! Luckily, the roads started clearning up around Richmond, Kentucky...and we just had to deal with rain. We made great time, as we enjoyed the beautiful scenery provided by the Great Smoky Mountainsin Tennessee & North Carolina. Just as we headed south into South Carolina, all clouds parted, and the sun shone brightly in the blue sky! Hallelujah! The temperature rose to 55 degrees as we pulled into Chapin, South Carolina, home of John's sister/brother-in law, Mary Jane & Guy Sorrell. We were just in time to watch Phil Mickelson win the Phoenix Open Golf Tournament. And now for snacks, sweet peach tea, SOUPer homemade "Hearty Italian Bean Soup," and Super Bowl XLVII. Thanks to our hosts for a great start to our Southern Expedition!!

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