Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Chevrolet Corvette...sponsors
Test Track!

This is what you get to ride in on
Test zooms!!
After visiting Epcot for just half a day yesterday, we returned after Animal Kingdom, to complete our tour.  Test Track was just recently renovated and it was awesome.  Be sure to ride SINGLE, so you can walk right on!!

Atmosphere performers with Garbage Can Drums

We could have skipped this...hopefully they'll be renovating it soon.

Part of Italy's famous Trevi Fountain
featuring Neptune

Venice "like" balcony

Replica of Florence Italy Tower

Italian Street Performer

Gate to China

Beautiful Chinese Pavilion...Temple

Chinese Temple Ceiling
Norway's Pavilion...ride the Viking Ship &
enjoy a brief movie about Norway

Replica of an Aztec Pyramid
for Mexico's Pavilion

Talented Mariachi band

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