Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Animal Kingdom was our first destination today, as we looked forward to conquering Mt. Everest, and going on a real Safari!! Since most of the pictures we have are from the experiences, rather than writing details about Animal Kingdom, we'll let our pictures speak for us. Suffice it to say we really enjoyed our time at Animal Kingdom. We had heard mixed reviews, but would still recommend you to spend at least a half-day there, as we did. Don't miss, "It's Tough to be a Bug" 3-D, under the Tree of Life (Thanks Kristen for the HEADS UP), Mt. Everest (always go as a single can just walk on every time), and of course the Safari (don't forget a Fast Pass for this one.)
 Here's our photos...don't forget that you can click ON the photo to enlarge!
Animal Kingdom's centerpiece, The Tree of Life
Flying Triceritops in Dinosaur Land

Eastern Star Railroad...taking us to the conservation area

Spectacled Owl from the Tropical Rainforest
Rafiki welcoming us to "Planet Watch"

African settlement

Okapi (relative of the giraffe)
Nile Hippos keeping cool

Nile Crocodile opening his mouth to cool down


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