Friday, February 22, 2013

Today, February 22nd, 2013 (President Washington's Birthday!), we traveled from Pembroke Pines to Patrick Air Force Base in Cocoa Beach, Florida. We made two (2) stops, first, at Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge and second, Canaveral National Seashore. the Atlantic Ocean and beach were pristine. We were just North of the Cape Canaveral Assembly Tower Building and the Launch Pad. 
Tomorrow, we will be spending the day at the Kennedy Space Center, so we hope to have lots of close up pictures to share from the "Space Coast"!

The Canaveral Assembly Tower, visible from the National Seashore.
It is the third largest building in the USA!!

Cape Canaveral Launch Pad

Canaveral National Seashore, just beautiful!

The dunes covered with sea grape and palmetto plants next to
the National Seashore

Wildflowers at the NS dunes

Prickly Pear Cactus

Wild Black-Eyed Susans
An unknown waterbird fishing around at CNS


Ducks in the salt marsh at Canaveral National Seashore
A Harrier Jump Jet welcomes us to our quarters with its
landing at Patrick Air Force Base, Cocoa Beach, FL

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting your blog address, John. I caught up on all your awesome photos!
