Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Today was a sightseeing day in the Grand Teton National Park.  We started at the Craig Thomas Visitor Center and proceeded north stopping at every overlook all the way to the North Jackosn Lake overlook and returned south by way of the Jenny Lake Teton Park Road.  Together we took 210 pictures.  Needless to say we have the Tetons from every angle we could, traveling on the east side of the Teton range.  By the end of the day we have traveled 11, 418 miles since leaving Bright, Indiana on Sunday, June 17, 2012 and tomorrow we are traveling west again before heading south and then east.  We have been to 18 National Parks, 8 National Monuments, 5 National Historic Sites, 2 Presidential Libraries and 1 National Tall Grass Prairie and are having a wonderful time seeing these beautiful and amazing sites.

**Please note that you can "click" on the photos to enlarge the picture for better viewing!


Grand Teton, center, Telwinot Mt., left middle, & right, south Teton Mt.

Grand Teton Range

Craig Thomas Discovery & Visitor Center

View from INSIDE the Craig Thomas Visitor Center

The ONLY moose se saw in Grand Teton NP

View from inside Craig Thomas Visitor Center

Grand Teton Range with glacier

Close up of glacier in Grand Teton

Rockslide Daisy with butterfly (Just one of the many beautiful wild flowers throughout the park....below are some more!)

White Mulesears
Spring Phlox

Yellow Monkeyfly

Little Sunflower
Western Barberry

Silky Phacelia
Columbia Groundsel
Marsh Marigold

Grand Teton Range

Snake River sliding by the Grand Tetons

Mt. Moran over Snake River from Oxbow view

Mt. Moran and Snake River

Mt. Moran and Snake River from Oxbow view

Mule Deer Buck

Grand Teton Range from the north end of Jackson Lake...with reflection

Clouds moving in over GT range and Jackson lake

Ranger Peak and reflection in Jackson Lake

Telephoto lens captures striated layers of rock on Ranger Peak

Elk Island in Snake River in front of Grand Teton Range

The Range

Mt. Moran acroos Jackson Lake

Clouds moving in over Mt. Moran and Jackson Lake

Telephoto view of the glacier found in Mt. Moran

Telephoto view of the glacier valley of Grand Teton

North side of Grand Teton Glacier

Mt. Woodring

Jenny Lake view of Cascade Canyon

View of the beautiful, clear glacier lake waters of Jenny Lake

South Tetons across Jenny Lake

Cascade Canyon across beautiful Jenny Lake

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