Friday, August 3, 2012

Today was a traveling day.  We left the Arco, Idaho KOA campground around 10:00 AM and traveled to Hill AFB, South of Ogden, Utah.  Most of the trip was on I-15 south.  We saw two more moose (both female) standing in the corner of a farmer's field.  They looked apprehensive about how to get across the interstate!  (John quickly grabbed his camera and snapped a picture of the two, as Magellan was zooming by at 60 miles an hour.  The picture is below, but you'll have to click on it to enlarge it and see the two standing the fence corner, through the RV window screen!)  Next we set up camp in the Hill AFB Famcamp for the weekend then we scoped out the area to find the local supermarket and pharmacy.  (We can't be without our medicine, you know.)  We will be sightseeing from here for at least two days.

Lava flow and postpile along I-15 in Idaho (sorry..going fast)

Our first view of the famous Utah landmark, the Great Salt Lake

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