Sunday, August 12, 2012

Today was a high mountain sightseeing day.  The Rocky Mountain National Park is a spectacular mountain park.  Over 10 miles of the Trail Ridge Road was above timber line with majestic views of glacier action in the valleys...mountain lakes also above timerline, and incredible visitas in every direction.  Put Trail Ridge Road n your  bucket lists for multiple trips!

Pacific side of the Trail Ridge Road

Mt. Strauss & Mt. Nimbus

High in the clouds at Berthoud Pass

Colorado River Valley

Northwest up valley from the backside of Trail Ridge Road

So many dead trees in view, due to the infetation of Pine Bark Beetle

Lake Poudre, begins Poudre River on the East side of the Continental Divide
This area was a big beaver trapping area for the fur traders

Climbing up to the Arctic Tundra

Pockets of snow in old glacial field

Evidence of glacial action

Glacial created Fall River Canyon

Mt. Julian & Snowdrift Peak

Flattop Mountain

L-R Mt. Chapin-13,454 ft, Chiquita Mt.-13,069 ft, Desolation Peak-12,449 ft, Ypsilon Mt.-13,514 ft

Glacial Created Fall River Canyon

Glacial bowl with a Glacial Lake

Sheep Lake & Meadow

Lower end of Falls River Road

Deer Mountain, 10,013 feet

Twin Sister Peak - 11,416 feet

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