Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Monday, July 30, 2012

Today was traveling and sightseeing day as we completed our visit of Yellowstone National Park and headed to Grand Teton National Park. John took several pictures as Jim drove Magellan I (RV) down US Highways 89, 287 & 191. We finally found a campsite 55 miles south of Jackson Hole, Wyoming as everything else was full. We found a spot in Thayne, WY which is nearly a ghost town, as the cheese factory is closed as is the saw mill. We'll be sightseeing in the Tetons tomorrow!

Kepler we're leaving Yellowstone National Park

Lewis Lake (named for guess who?)

Lewis Falls (Did you guess yet?....hint ______ & Clark)

Snake River as we are entering the Tetons

Our first glimpse of the Grand Teton Range across beautiful Jackson Lake.

White river rafting on the Snake River is extremely popular in the Tetons.

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